You get to decide what rest and respite looks like for you and do it. That might be yoga, a walk, sauna, massage, sitting and reading, snowshoeing, napping, whatever
You put your work and family "care-taking" on pause. No texts, emails, requests or questions for 60 plus hours.
You dedicate your energy to think about what YOU want in this next stage of life. You surround yourself with other amazing women and attend powerful sessions to help you connect with your core values and who you desire to "BE".
We are women in mid-life who get it because we are living it right along with you. We are passionate about helping women like you focus on your health, wellbeing and relationships in a safe and supportive environment. We have over 40 years of combined experience in women's fitness, health, business, counseling and relationships that inspired us to design this special weekend getaway. We are real women, ready for real conversations while making real connections.
Take a pause and come join us!