The Pause Gals

We are passionate about helping women like you focus on your health, wellbeing and relationships in a safe and supportive environment. 

We have over 40 years of combined experience in business, women's fitness, health coaching, corporate leadership, and relationship counseling that has inspired us to create this community. 

We are real women in our 40’s and 50’s experiencing perimenopause and menopause like you, ready for real conversations resulting in lasting connections.

Meet the Experts

Kelly Altman

Growing up I moved around a lot. 13 times before I went to college, to be exact, and I was always starting over as “the new kid.” I come from a really tight family and longed for fulfilling relationships with others. In my 20’s I discovered a real passion for fitness and after a few years in corporate, my husband and I decided to open a fitness business combining our shared passion for exercise with bringing people together to build community. As a Certified Personal Trainer, Health Coach and Menopause Coaching Specialist I love helping women feel strong and powerful in their lifestyle choices so they can have their best energy and overall health. Partnering with Renee to create The Pause Gals comes from our shared passion of bringing women together in community to educate and explore topics that affect all women as we age. I’m excited where this journey has taken us already!

Renee Divine

My curiosity has always centered around people: their stories, challenges, and triumphs. The evidence is in my bookshelves, which are full of biographies. A common thread in all of the stories is the desire to be connected to other humans and why so many struggle with connection, which has happened to me too. I spent the first 20 years of my professional life as a financial analyst, transitioning to human resources, and spending most of my career as a trusted business advisor in risk management and technology. Throughout that time I realized how critical relating to and managing relationships was in my success. And, I was good at it. So, I went back to graduate school at 41 years of age and am now a relationship and certified sex therapist, with my own private practice. I specialize in relational issues, men’s mental wellness, women’s burnout, executive and management development, and sexual challenges. I became a mom two days shy of my 44th birthday and bring a unique perspective to parenting and aging.
Helping women navigate the transitions of midlife though cultivating community, connection and care 

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