Yoga Nidra for Healing:
Ancient Techiques For Modern Living

Join us for an incredible evening at the Oakside Barn as we gather to discuss aging and loss. We are honored to have the talented Elizabeth Persico to guide us in a healing practice of Yoga Nidra as we move through our emotions and get connected to our power.

Tuesday, October 15th
1300 Oakside Dr in Chanhassen, MN

Elizabeth Persico

Elizabeth Persico is honored to be of service to others and create a place of healing through the ancient traditions and sciences of Yoga, Ayurveda, and Reiki. Practicing and teaching for over 20 years, Elizabeth has a passion for self-discovery and healing through breath, movement, and meditation. Several years ago, she exited the high-tech corporate world and is rejuvenating and rediscovering herself as spirit. She owns Prajna Yogi out of St. Paul. 

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